Sunday, February 08, 2009

White Tailed Spider

White Tailed Spider
(Image Source)
Tonight we met the White Tailed Spider. A small spider not much bigger then 2 Cm so I didn't think much of it when it crawled over the sofa... but apparently it's bite can have some serious effects. So when Caroline urged me to get it and get rid of it straight away, I didn't grab the camera (for once). Looking on the web straight after... I'm glad I didn't check the web before hand. On the other hand now I'm a bit apprehensive of going outside where I released it..... Anyway everyone is still welcome at ours, just take a good look around when waiting for us to answer the door.
(Me to Caroline: And you thought it was quiet before...)

Tree of Life

This is the six-minute Tree of Life video that appeared on the BBC One programme 'Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life' narrated by David Attenborough.

Watch the video, play with the interactive version of the 'Tree of Life' and sign up to Tree of Life updates at

Tree of Life (watch in HD)


Where do you find love? If we knew, we would all know where to look....
Sometimes all you need is a sign.

Created by Radical.Media and Publics Mojo Productions.
