Friday, July 29, 2011

Mythbusters - New Season

Not sure when we'll see the new season in Australia, but can't wait!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

...meanwhile in Australia

Extreme Weather - Sydney's waterfalls flow upwards

The last couple of days weather has been bad here. Causing a luxury problem: I had to drain the pool preventing it from overflowing, today. I know, terrible!

Winds battering southern Australia over the last 24 hours have been so strong that spray from waterfalls south of Sydney has billowed up into the air.

Nearly a month's worth of rain has fallen on the city in 24 hours, and wind speeds have reached 120km/h.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Google+ Need an invite drop me a message

I recently received a Google+ invite here and don't mind sending some invites myself.

Please note you will need a gmail account to be eligible.

My first impressions of Google+ is that I am not entirely sure about it, I have never used Facebook or MySpace so I do not have much to compare it with.
It looks promising and when more people get on it, it might become more fun.

Have a go it's free and in the end you can always delete your account.

And since today there is also an app available for the iPhone, here.

I received a Google+ invite the other day and thougth I d share the favor

Who would like a Google+ invite?
Please leave a message in the comments.

Please note you will need a gmail account to enter.
