Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Fire (update 2)

Final update,... I hope. The people from the Powerboard came out on the 27th of December and spotted that the previous repair man had routed 2 power cables instead of one to a main fuse causing it to trip everytime at 23:32 when the power for the storage heaters came on. He fixed it so there is power going to the storageheaters again, but he could not turn it on for liability reasons.
The landlord had to switch the storageheaters on as there is no fuse 'protecting' it when an overload would occur. But chances of that happening again.......(knock on wood) So the landlord still needs to install a fuse there, but for the meantime it is working.

It was nice to be there while the Powerboard repaired it because at the end the electrician made some recommendations as to what the landlord might want to do which I wouldnt have heard otherwise. One of the things he said in the end was that with current regulations the house would not be up to standard for letting. If he would like to let it out after we move he would have to modernise the metercabinet.

On Friday the 28th the heating worked properly again and last Saturday the 30th the house was comfortably warm, once again just in time for the New Year

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