Thursday, April 26, 2007


We just have little over a week left in our house and today is the day we had the removal company over to ship our stuff over to Australia. All in all about 10 medium sized boxes and 3 packages. It will take 8- 12 weeks before we are reunited with it in Sydney. Crikey!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Derren Brown - "Paying with Paper"

Derren Brown, psychological illusionist manages to buy things with blank paper????
Unfortunately I haven't seen this show on the air yet, but I will look out for it.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bangkok Insurance

Battle of the Brains

Horizon takes seven people who are some of the highest flyers in their field - a musical prodigy, a quantum physicist, an artist, a dramatist, an RAF fighter pilot, a chess grandmaster and a Wall Street trader. Each is put through a series of tests to discover who is the most intelligent?

London Marathon 2007

Sue getting encouragements from her dad (Ken) just past the 18 mile marker

Sue my sister-in-law ran the 2007 London Marathon and we went to cheer her on.
We were fortunate to see her at the 9 -mile and 18 -mile mark but also close to the finish line.
She ran 26.4 miles the least we could do was to be there and support her along the way.
Her official time was 5:28:35 and out of the women she came 7643.
10 km
20 km
half 2:33:17
30 km 3:44:19
40 km 5:11:40

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Walk About London

Last Sunday 15/04/07 we said goodbye to Matt and Dave in London. Our two friends that seem to appear everywhere and anywhere we went in Australia. It is always hard saying goodbye, but we rest assured in the knowledge we'll bump into them again sooner or later. Caroline was given a voucher in January for her birthday for the Sanctuary in Covent Garden for a day of leisure with her girl friends. Which left me alone with M&D (behind the laptop) and they had a great plan. They were going to give me a taste of Australia by doing a Walk About London pub crawl throughout Central London. Although they all belong to the same chain prices can vary quite a lot a stubby of Tooheys New can cost you anywhere from £ 1.50 to £3.00 for example.

High Voltage Powerline Inspection

We'll be moving to Australia soon and with it comes a new job, but I think I will have to pass on this one if it' s offered to me.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Parallel Universe

A great BBC documentary about Parallel Universes we just happen to live in one.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Nintendo Than and Now

All the 'old skool' Nintendo's transforming into todays Wii.

What happened to Baz?!

Cane toads are a major pest in Australia endangering hundreds of indigenous species.
This recent news article from the National Geographic News website tells about a giant Cane Toad found near Darwin:
I reckon it's Baz!!!

March 27, 2007—Mark Twain told tall tales about fantastic frogs, but a "monster" toad caught yesterday in Australia might have given the author a run for his money.

Volunteers found the football-size cane toad in a pond near the northern port city of Darwin (see Australia map).

Nearly 15 inches (38 centimeters) long and weighing about 2 pounds (0.9 kilogram), the croaker is one of the largest specimens ever caught in Australia.

"It's huge, to put it mildly," Graeme Sawyer, coordinator of the group that caught the toad, told the Associated Press. "The biggest toads are usually females, but this one was a rampant male. … I would hate to meet his big sister."

Sawyer's group was "raiding" Darwin's ponds last night as part of its mission to correct what some see as Australia's biggest environmental blunder: the introduction of the poisonous cane toads in the 1930s.

The toads were imported from South America to eradicate scarab beetles that were feasting on sugar cane crops. But soon it was the toads that were the pests, causing the deaths of countless native animals that eat them, from snakes to crocodiles.

Today groups like Sawyer's conduct regular excursions to capture the toads, which are then killed with carbon dioxide gas, frozen, and processed to neutralize the toxins.

"It turns out to be sensational fertilizer," Sawyer said of the resulting by-product.

But evidence suggests that the toads may be staying one jump ahead. A study last year found that the toads now cover five times more ground annually than they did in the 1930s—in part because they have evolved longer legs.

—Blake de Pastino

What if....?!

What if...?
What if, we could make robots to police the streets?
Tetra Vaal/Neill Blomkamp




A bottle of wine $12.00
Asking your girlfriend .... while...
For anything else Mastercard.

Lee Evans Live in Scotland

I hope you can spare 1hr 13 min for this one : Lee Evans Live in Scotland
Lee Evans is one of the best stand ups around today.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Australia update:

UK- Holland-UK-Hong Kong-Melbourne-Sydney
We've handed in our notices for work and rent, booked our flights arranged a 'farewell' party packed most of our belongings and we are almost ready to go now.
April the 28th we have organized a 'farewell' party where our guests are encouraged to take anything they like that we aren't taking with us to Australia. What's left after that we'll donate to one of the many charity shops here in Witney.
April the 30th will be our last working day here in the UK.
May the 8th - 16th we'll quickly pop over to Holland to say goodbye to the rest of my family. May the 20th we fly off to Hong Kong. We think five days will give us some time to acclimatise and as an added bonus we are meeting up with friends who live there.
May the 26th we fly to Melbourne again where we'll meet up with some more friends
May the 30th we'll start our new lives in Sydney.
It is all happening very quickly at the moment and it is all working out so well for us.


I don't think you will ever see this one on TV again.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Clever Crows

How do they figure it out? Narrated by Sir David Attenborough.
