Sunday, April 08, 2007

Australia update:

UK- Holland-UK-Hong Kong-Melbourne-Sydney
We've handed in our notices for work and rent, booked our flights arranged a 'farewell' party packed most of our belongings and we are almost ready to go now.
April the 28th we have organized a 'farewell' party where our guests are encouraged to take anything they like that we aren't taking with us to Australia. What's left after that we'll donate to one of the many charity shops here in Witney.
April the 30th will be our last working day here in the UK.
May the 8th - 16th we'll quickly pop over to Holland to say goodbye to the rest of my family. May the 20th we fly off to Hong Kong. We think five days will give us some time to acclimatise and as an added bonus we are meeting up with friends who live there.
May the 26th we fly to Melbourne again where we'll meet up with some more friends
May the 30th we'll start our new lives in Sydney.
It is all happening very quickly at the moment and it is all working out so well for us.

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